Mei's Natural Health Clinic stands as a beacon of hope and holistic healing in the journey toward surgery and the subsequent path to recovery. With a wealth of experience and qualifications over 25 years, Mei Chen offers a personalized blend of acupuncture and manual lymphatic drainage to prepare your body for surgery and accelerate post-operative healing.

Pre-Surgery Preparation
Before stepping into the operating room, preparing your body and mind is crucial. Mei's integrated Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and Acupuncture treatment offer a holistic approach that provides the following benefits:
• Calms nerves and anxiety
• Reduces surgery-related fear
• Reduces post-op swelling, inflammation, and bruising
• Speed up healing
• Resume regular activities sooner
• Minimize post-surgery complications
The Connection Between the Lymphatic System and Surgery
The lymphatic system, integral to the immune system, fluid balance, waste removal, and infection defence, can be disrupted by surgical procedures. This disruption may result in

tissue swelling and fluid accumulation, which can hinder the healing process. Consequently, after surgery, the lymphatic system becomes even more critical, aiding in reducing swelling inflammation, guarding against infection, and promoting faster healing.
Post-surgery Treatments
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - European Alternative Method
Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Vodder in Paris, MLD involves gentle, rhythmic movements to assist lymphatic vessels in collecting excess fluid, waste materials, proteins, and fats from body tissues. MLD post-surgical benefits include:
Reduction of Swelling and Enhanced Healing
Pain Reduction from Excess Fluids
Bruise Reduction
Prevention of Seroma (Fluid Accumulation)
Reduction of Fibrosis (Excess Scar Tissue)
Eased Discomfort and Faster Recovery
Elimination of Post-surgical Fluid Accumulation

Acupuncture - Traditional Chinese Medicine Method
With its 3000-year history, acupuncture involves precisely inserting ultra-thin needles into specific acupoints. This therapy offers various post-surgical benefits:
Easing Nausea and Vomiting
Relieving Digestive Discomfort
Pain and Inflammation Reduction
Improving Sleep and Reducing Restlessness
Combatting Fatigue
Calming Anxiety and Surgical Stress
Healing with Infrared-Light Therapy
Infrared light waves penetrate deep into tissues.
Diminish bruising and swelling after surgery.
Enhance blood and lymph circulation.
Nourish damaged tissues for accelerated healing.
Kinesio Taping Therapy

Kinesio taping therapy lifts the skin, creating a gap that facilitates fluid movement, develops new lymphatic pathways, and enhances circulation. This therapy effectively reduces pain, swelling, and bruising and supports scar healing.
Post-Surgery Diet Guideline
Suggest Diet Tips:
Opt for cooked foods: choose steamed or boiled options for easier digestion.
Small, regular meals: fuel your recovery with frequent, smaller portions.
Consistent meal times: stick to a routine for a stable metabolism.
Avoid These Foods:
· Spicy and fatty items: these can hinder digestion and healing.
· Skip onions, garlic, spices, and pickles to prevent irritation.
· Limit oily meats: opt for lean proteins to aid digestion.
· Skip soda, alcohol and sweets to support healing
· Eat low-fiber meals: coarse bread, and legumes may be hard to digest.
· Eat foods at a moderate temperature: avoid extremes in hot or cold foods.
For pre and post-surgery support, pain relief, and various other health concerns, Mei's Natural Health Clinic is here for you. Contact Mei Chen to embark on your journey toward holistic healing and well-being.