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Discover The Benefits Of A lymphatic Drainage Massage At Our Auckland Clinic


Boost Your Immune System with Lymph Therapy!

Have you heard of the lymphatic system? Recall the last time you battled a cold or felt run down.


Do you remember the small, tender bumps around your neck? Those lumps were
probably swollen lymph nodes—a sign of a normal, healthy immune response!


Experiencing fatigue, frequent colds, or persistent health issues? Your lymphatic system might be in need of support.

The Lymphatic System: The Unsung Hero of Immunity

The lymphatic system operates as a crucial purification and drainage network
within our bodies. It collaborates seamlessly with the immune and circulatory systems to collect excessive tissue fluid, proteins, fats and waste materials from the tissues.


These substances are then transported through specialized lymphatic vessels to undergo filtration within lymph nodes. where potentially harmful pathogens are effectively screened, separated filtered out. Subsequently, these purified elements are reintroduced into the bloodstream.

This unsung hero plays a vital role in maintaining fluid balance, eliminating waste, aiding immune responses, and absorbing fats. It's a valuable ally in your body's fight against illness and in maintaining overall well-being. But what happens when it becomes blocked or sluggish?

Discover the 10 Signs of a Clogged Lymphatic System


  1. Swollen lymph nodes: tender and enlarged nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin.

  2. Frequent infections: recurrent colds, sinusitis, or UTIs.

  3. Persistent fatigue: feeling sluggish and low on energy.

  4. Skin issues: acne, eczema, rashes, or dryness.

  5. Digestive problems: bloating, constipation, or issues with nutrient absorption.

  6. Joint pain and stiffness: inflammation and reduced mobility.

  7. Headaches and migraines: frequent headaches or migraines.

  8. Weight gain and water retention: excess fluid and weight gain.

  9. Poor concentration and brain fog: difficulty focusing and mental clarity issues.

  10. Slow healing and increased recovery time: delayed wound healing and recovery.


Unlocking Lymphatic Power with MLD

Imagine a network within your body, with the lymph containing three times more fluid than even your blood. Now, picture this system lacking a central pump like the heart to keep things flowing smoothly.


This is where the lymphatic system comes into play.


It relies on various mechanisms such as arterial pulsations, muscle contractions, respiratory pressures, the rhythmic movement of intestines, and the remarkable technique known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) to ensure fluid circulation.

What is manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)?

Developed by Dr. Vodder in 1930s Paris, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) involves gentle, rhythmic movements applied to dry skin. These precise techniques assist lymphatic vessels in collecting excess fluid, waste materials, proteins, and fats from body tissues.


MLD effectively reduces various swellings (oedema), enhancing immunity by fortifying the body's defenses against infections and illnesses. It works especially well when the body's natural processes face challenges or when dealing with a congested or clogged lymphatic system.

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